A Creative Guide To Dye Your Bedsheets And Duvet Covers

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If you’re ever thinking that your single bed base valance or your pillows are looking a bit bland and boring in color. And you have very little money to buy any of those vibrant bedsheets and duvet covers but out of nowhere an idea pops in your brain. The idea if we just DIY this whole situation and make some kind of ink dye that’ll give the bedsheets are cool design. But if you accidently stumble into this article on how to decorate and dye your bedsheets well then you’re in luck because here is a brief guide to help you dye such items.

1. The Items You’ll Be Needing

Of course whenever you’re going to do something DIY yourself you’ll need to be fully equipped with all the important items you’ll need for the dyeing session. So for the items you’ll need is a 20 inch plastic container filled with water and dye to dip the bedsheet in, a liquid dye to color the bedsheet entirely, a pair of gloves that’ll keep your hands from getting stained at all times. Last but not least the bedsheet or duvet you’ll be coloring and also make sure to do it outdoors because it can get messy.

2. Dip Your Sheets In The Container

So first of all for the main session you’ll need to have a plastic storage container that is about a quarter filled with water that is mixed with dye. Once you have gotten the container ready it’s time to dip in the bed sheets and duvets. Also you’ll need to dip in the sheets very gently and slowly so that the mixture doesn’t splash out of the container and if you want your sheets to have a darker shade of their pigments dip in the sheet multiple times in the container or let it just marinate in the container for about 5 minutes.

3. Let Your Sheets Dry Outside

Once you have dip-dyed all of your sheets it’s time for the dye to soak and dry in the sheets. To dry the sheets you’ll  need to first hang them with clothing pins on a string outside of your house so that the wind and the sunlight can dry all the wet ink that is infused in the sheets after a few hours later you can take them inside.

4. Put Your Sheets Inside The Washer And The Dryer

After you have dried your sheets outdoors it’s time for them to go inside of the washer. You’ll need to wash the sheet because if you don’t the sheets can get a color transfer and this can ruin the whole design you were working on. After you have washed the sheets throw them in the dryer for the bedsheets to get all dry and clean.

5. Place Your Decorated Sheet On Top Of The Bed

After you have completely dried and washed the sheets and have finished all of the process the sheets can now be placed back on top of the bed. Now whenever you are going to sleep you wouldn’t see those boring bland white sheets now you would see a completely different vibrant and magnificent sheet on your bed.


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