Things You Must Know About Cold Storages for Perfect Refrigeration

Cold storage is an integral part of a lot of businesses especially food businesses. It makes sure that the perishable food products are stored at an ideal temperature and do not go to waste. The consistent cold temperature makes sure that the freshness of the products is maintained. The low temperature creates an unfriendly environment for harmful bacteria making it impossible for them to multiply and ruin the food supply.
It is important to choose the right type of cold storage for the business otherwise the quality of products will be compromised.
Here are a few important things to know about selecting the best cold storage option.

Available Types of Cold Storage:

The cold storage is effective in keeping raw foods and processing foods in perfect condition. Here are two types of cold storage available.

1. Refrigerator Storage:

The refrigerators make sure that you are able to store the food products safely so that the quality of the food is not compromised.
There are a lot of different types of refrigerators available like upright fridge, reach-in fridge, chest freezer, freezer room, etc. You can set the temperature according the food product you are storing. Products like vegetables, fruits need storage temperature no lower than 15 degrees Celsius while the dairy products require freezing temperature.

2. The Sub-Zero Storage:

The sub-zero cold storage option is perfect for storing raw materials as it offers freezing temperature. It helps in storing raw products for a long time. It can maintain a storage temperature of minus 18 C.

3. Size and Storage Capacity:

The refrigeration appliances are not cheap so it is important that you choose the one that is able to store the food products you want to store. There refrigeration appliances are available in a variety of sizes. If you choose a cold room then you can also get a custom sized storage that will satisfy the cold storage needs in the best way.

4. Adequate Ventilation:

If you are storing the raw food products for a long time and you are constantly adding new products to the storage and removing some then you may end up compromising the quality of products. It can also cause unpleasant smell in the cold storage. The cold storage needs to have effective ventilation system so that it is easier for the refrigeration system to maintain the set temperature and keep products fresh.

5. The Electric Consumption:

Before you invest in cold storage option you need to make sure that you check the running cost. You do not want to invest in a refrigeration appliance that is too costly.
The refrigeration industry has evolved and improved a lot over the years. There are energy efficient models that have a high energy star rating. The annual energy consumption of the refrigerators is mentioned in the specifications. It will make sure you know how much you will be spending on it afterward.
It is important that the cold storage solution is chosen carefully because the wrong one can lead to food waste and food contamination.


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