5 Home Projects that should Never be on the DIY List

Home projects are exciting and fun as they give homeowners a chance to update the appearance of the house and enhance their comfort level. DIY seems like a great way of making changes to the house as people think that it is an affordable choice. But DIY can often cost you more money as you are not qualified to carry out the project and you end up making costly mistakes.
If you choose to DIY projects then you need to make sure that you can complete it without making any serious mistakes. Here are a few home projects that should never be on the DIY list.

1. Repainting the Kitchen Cabinets:

Painting the kitchen cabinets seems like a simple task but it is complex. Painting the kitchen cabinets is not just about selecting the right color. It is just the first step of the task. The process of painting the kitchen cabinets is tricky and if you do not know what you are doing then the task can go wrong and above budget pretty quickly. The kitchen cabinets have finger oils and cooking grease on the surface and to apply paint you will have to remove the grease and the oil. The prepping is required before painting the cabinets. They need to be cleaned by using diluted TSP and oil-based paints. A professional understands the importance of prepping and DIY can cause more damage than good.

2. Fixing the Ceiling and the Roof:

The faulty roof and leaking ceilings are not the home project that you should add to the DIY list. If you are replacing the tegular edge ceiling tiles you need to make sure that you call a professional. If you notice a leak in the ceiling you have to identify the damaged spot and find a solution that is best suited to the problem. Lack of knowledge of ceiling and roof repairs then you will do more damage than good.

3. Waterproofing the House:

If you find your things floating in the basement and find that the property needs waterproofing then you need professional help. Waterproofing is not an easy task and it takes more time than you think. There is digging, finding and applying the waterproofing material. Safety is also a concern when it comes to upgrading the waterproofing of the house. It is a home project that should be handled by a professional.

4. The home project of installing light fixtures:

Working with electricity is always dangerous as it can lead to hazards like electrocution and electric fires. Changing and upgrading the light fixtures should never be included in the DIY home projects. Upgrading the lighting is effective in improving the comfort and energy efficiency of the house. Always call an electrician to handle the installing of new lighting fixtures. There are fire and safety concerns that should keep you from adding lighting to the DIY projects.

5. Custom Home Projects:

The custom projects need intimate knowledge of the task that you are doing. If you are looking to create a custom curb or cupboards or any other thing then you will need to be knowledgeable. Without proper knowledge, you will end up making costly mistakes that can break your bank.


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