3 Common Rental Property Maintenance Myths

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A landlord has a lot of responsibilities and if you want to become a successful and respected landlord, it is important to know your responsibilities. To have a good reputation a landlord needs to make sure that they can keep the tenant happy and satisfied. Keeping the rental property in good condition is among the landlord’s responsibilities. Tenants prefer the properties that are in perfect condition. There are several rental property maintenance myths that landlord has to be aware of so that they can focus on things that they need to do instead of wasting time and resources on things that are not their responsibility.
Here are a few common myths that a landlord need to be aware of so that they can manage the property properly.

DIY Repairs Save Money:

A rental property may require repairs from time to time and if you want to carry out the rental property maintenance successfully then you should not entertain the idea of DIY repairs. People often think that doing the repairs themselves is a great way of saving money.
If you have any experience in the repair needed then you can do it yourself otherwise you are not going to save any money. Handling repairs that you do not understand can cost more money instead of saving. The electrical repairs should never be done by an amateur as they are dangerous. So before you decide to use your tool so that you can save money you need to consider whether you are familiar with the repair or not. Hiring professionals will prevent additional costs as professionals know what they are doing.

Landlord’s Responsibility Regarding Rental Property Maintenance:

The landlord should which rental property maintenance tasks are their responsibility. It will make sure that they do not ignore their responsibility and make the tenant unhappy and unsatisfied. The landlords are responsible for almost all repairs. They are financially and physically responsible for the repairs. There are just a few exceptions like changing a bulb or replacing a battery.
If the damage is done by the tenant then the tenants are responsible for the repairs. But the landlords should be aware of repairs that the tenant has carried out. The regular maintenance, preventive measures and getting essential documents like EPC certificate London is the landlord’s responsibility.

The Use of Security Deposits:

The security deposits are an important part of the tenancy agreement and it is a cause of contention regarding the security deposits. It can strain the tenant-landlord relationship if there is miscommunication between the two parties.
The security deposit is not always equal to the last month’s rent. The landlords can choose any amount they seem fit and the tenant can negotiate the amount. The landlords also have to understand that the security deposits are not meant to deal with the rental property maintenance to make the property ready for the vacancy.
The security deposits are meant to cover the unpaid rent or the damage that the tenants may have done to the property.


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