How to Upsell the Wine List You Have to Offer?

Wine is an essential component of fine dining and it plays a significant role in making a good profit. But you cannot sell the wine by just creating a fancy wine list. You have to work hard to sell the wine you are offering. No every customer that enters your place is a wine enthusiast and has good knowledge of the available types. Make sure that you keep the bottles in a wine cellar or commercial wine refrigerators so that they are at the right temperature and ready to serve.
Here are a few tips that restaurateurs can use to upsell the wine list.

Sell Champagne:

A restaurant should be able to sell champagne because champagne is a standout. It is an affordable luxury brand that is going to earn a good profit. It is an important part of the fine dining as it represents extravagancy and spontaneity. Putting the champagne on the top of the wine list is a great idea. People choose to go for fine dining on special occasions and the Champagne is perfect for a celebratory drink.

Use Big Glasses:

If you want the customers to enjoy the wine then make sure that the restaurant tables have big glasses. You can choose as big glasses as you want. Putting big wine glasses on the table is an effective way of improving the customer service as the big wine glasses create an air of expectation. When there are big glasses on the table the customers are likely to order an expensive bottle because the glasses expect it.

No Price Mention On the Wine List:

It is never a good idea to mention price in front of the bottles because it makes people to just go for the cheapest bottle. If there is no mention of the price then people are more likely to make a bold choice and order an expensive bottle. It will do well for the restaurant profits. No dollar signs will make sure that the customers are not visually scared by the price.

Professional Staff:

The staff plays a huge role in selling the best bottles from the wine list. Firstly, make sure that the staff is dressed properly. A fine dining restaurant should have staff that has a sophisticated uniform. If the staff is dressed well then it makes a good impression.
The staff should also be well-trained to sell the wine. They should have good knowledge of the wines that are on the wine list so that they can answer the customer’s questions. Well-trained and knowledgeable staff can also help with suggestive selling.

Carefully Design the Menu:

The menu of the restaurant is the perfect tool for advertising the food and beverages that you have to offer. Make sure that you have a wine menu but it does not have to be separate. The menu should be designed smartly. You can do suggestive selling with the help of the menu as well. By listing the wine in different categories will make it easier for people to make a choice. You can also convince by adding a small description describing the taste and type of the wine.


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